Friday, 11 May 2012

Update tale using XML date

  1. Create this table:
    CREATE TABLE Employee(eid int, fname varchar(20), lname varchar(20))
  2. Add sample data:
    INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (1, 'Nancy', 'Davolio')
    INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (2, 'Andrew', 'Fuller')
  3. Create this stored procedure in the database:
    CREATE PROC sp_update_employee @empdata ntext     
    DECLARE @hDoc int       
    exec sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT,@empdata  
    UPDATE Employee     
          Employee.fname = XMLEmployee.fname,    
          Employee.lname = XMLEmployee.lname      
    FROM OPENXML(@hDoc, '/root/Employee')   
                 WITH Employee XMLEmployee    
    WHERE  Employee.eid = XMLEmployee.eid    
    EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @hDoc    
    SELECT   *    
    from      Employee 
    FOR XML AUTO    

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